
Understanding Leveling Systems for Librarians

Page history last edited by edukatetodd@gmail.com 11 years, 5 months ago

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Table of Contents 



ALA program June 29 2013



Understanding Leveling Systems



Saturday, June 29, 2013
3:00pm to 4:00pm
McCormick Place Convention Center
Room S405


Handout for Program

      If you are attending this program, you can print the handout and bring it with you.


Understanding Leveling System PowerPoint with speech in Notes  







Solving the Reading Riddle: The Librarian's Guide to Reading Instruction by Rita Soltan.  (Libraries Unlimited, 2010. ISBN:  9781591588443.) 

The only book about reading levels written from the point of view of a librarian.  Uses Reading Recovery system as an example.


Tools for Matching Readers to Texts by Heidi Anne E. Mesmer (2007, Guildford Press, pap. ISBN: 978-1593855970. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle.)

A thorough discussion of the history of quantitative and qualitative leveling systems.   Describes advantages and disadvantages of most leveling formulas and systems.


Leveled Books K-8:  Matching Texts to Readers for Effective Teaching by Irene C. Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell.  (Heinemann, 2006, pap. ISBN:  978-0325008189)

 An official title of the Fountas-Pinnell Guided Reading program.  Includes background on leveling systems, criteria for each of the levels and strategies for using F&P leveled books in reading instruction.


Beyond Leveled Books:  Supporting Early and Transitional Readers in Grades K-5, 2nd edition, by Karen Szymusiak, Franki Sibberson and Lisa Koch.  (Stenhouse Publishers, 2008, pap. ISBN:  978-1571107145.  Also available on Kindle.)

Explores the uses and limitations of leveled texts for teachers.  Provides instructional techniques for moving readers toward independent book selection.   Includes mini-lessons. 


Text Complexity: Raising Rigor in Reading by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey and Diane Lapp.  (International Reading Association, 2012, pap. ISBN:  978-0872074781.  Also available on Kindle.)

Describes the intersection of leveling systems and Common Core standards.  Straight forward writing style and generous use of examples make this an excellent basic text. 




Online Calculators


Get a Lexile® Text Measure   


You can apply for a free Lexile account that allows you to submit a limited amount of text for determination of its Lexile level. 



ATOS for Text     


ATOS is the leveling system used by Accelerated Reader.  You can type in a small text file or submit an entire book for analysis.  


Online Readability Calculator

Paste text into this calculator to find readability using the following methods: Coleman Liau index, Flesch Kincaid Grade Level, ARI (Automated Readability Index), SMOG.



Databases for finding book levels


Lexile:   Find a book


The official site for finding Lexile levels. Search by author, title, lexile or grade level and genre.


AR Book Finder


Search for books in Accelerated Reader program by author, title or topic. Provides interest level, book reading level and AR points.


Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Books K-8 Official source


This database requires you to pay for each search. Search by author, title, F&P level, genre or publisher. 


Scholastic Book Wizard


Search by author, title or keyword. Provides levels for Guided Reading, Lexile Level and DRA. Also has “Book Alike” to search for books at similar interest and reading levels. 


Leveled Books Database 


Search by level for Guided Reading, Reading Recovery or Accelerated Reader. Buy now link takes you to Amazon. 


Reading A-Z


Purchase downloadable books arranged using a reading system similar to Guided Reading. Some free samples available.



Leveling Conversion Charts 


 List of conversion charts that compare different leveling systems



Leveling, labeling and censorship


Labeling and Rating Systems:  An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights 


ALA Questions and Answers on Labeling and Rating Systems


AASL Position Statement on Labeling Books with Reading Levels



Handouts from 2012 presentation


Leveling Easy Readers in Libraries





Updated by Kate Todd


View Kate Todd's profile on LinkedIn 

June 2013





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